Casa Mila - Casa Mila - Casa Mila - Casa Mila - Casa Mila - Casa Mila - Casa Mila - Casa Mila - Casa Mila - Casa Mila
Barcelona, Spain
1906 - 1912
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Casa Mila

Also known as La Pedrera, Casa Mila is one of the best examples of the architect’s creativity. A part of the original UNESCO World Heritage Site of “Works of Antoni Gaudi” since 1984, the house was built for Pere Mila i Camps and Roser Segimon i Artells between 1906 and 1912. Today, it is home to the Fundacio Catalunya-La Pedrera which organizes a range of exhibitions and public activities but the building is also open to the public for viewing.

When Gaudi started working on this building and his design took form, many people were not amused. They found his designs to be absurd. Gaudi was ridiculed by people that came across his work mostly by local architecture critics and newspapers. They found his unusual design a little troubling. Gaudi embraced the use of vivid decorative shapes and curves rather than use straight lines. There is not a single straight angle in this house.